Defining Analytics Engineering

No one knows what it means, but it’s provocative. It gets the people going!

Chazz Michael Michaels

Context: This is the first of a series of posts looking at Analytics Engineering as I’ve lived and breathed it since 2014, largely in the SaaS industry. This is not meant to provide universal truths, but rather give insight into one way to make sense of the data roles around us and how analytics engineering fits into them.

Definition and why the role matters

Analytics Engineering is the process of transforming raw, unaltered data into well-structured, governed datasets that enable meaningful analysis and measurement of operations.

This is a fairly recent title, popularized by the data transformation tool dbt in this writeup by Claire Carroll. It didn’t really take off until the advent of cloud data warehouses

At first, this role doesn’t seem necessary. Can’t people just … export data into Excel and do analysis? Haven’t data analysts been working for decades without “Analytics Engineers” existing?

Two replies:

  1. Yeah, you can. Which works … until it doesn’t. But eventually scale becomes a problem as people waste time as Excel jockeying instead of whatever else they should be doing
  2. Data analysts and others were already doing this work, it just didn’t have a name yet or was tool-specific (e.g., data munging in SQL Server Integration Studio)

I found myself doing analytics engineering in my very first data job 10 years ago. My title was “data analyst” and I described myself that way, but my work was curating datasets for executives and other business teams to leverage for decision making. The prior Excel-export model was running into scaling issues and I was able to save everyone time by automating data availability.

Analytics Engineering is both old and new. People have been doing the work for a long time, even if the title is relatively new.

How Analytics Engineering fits within the data ecosystem

A simplified view of the three main pillars of the data world

Analytics Engineering fits roughly between two types of data roles many are familiar with: Data Engineering and Data Analytics/Science. The far-too-simple dividing line between the roles is:

Data Engineering: Brings raw data from disparate systems into a single data warehouse

Analytics Engineering: Transforms the raw data within the warehouse into something useful by cleaning, adding business logic, etc,

Data Analytics/Science: Leverages datasets created by analytics engineers to produce analyses, dashboards, models and more for stakeholders across the organization

Reality: Things aren’t that clear cut

Life is never as nice as a graphic of an over-simplified view of the world. Analytics Engineering is no different, it’s a messy role in the middle of messy data. Here’s a closer representation to how these three categories fit together:

I could make this a lot messier. The lines between data teams are incredibly blurry.

Data engineers typically do some analytics engineering. Data analysts typically do analytics engineering. Analytics engineers do some of both.

Which makes sense! With the roles ill defined at most companies (including Analytics Engineering missing entirely!), you’ll get a mishmash of people doing a variety of these tasks. Often times, people are indirectly incentivized to blur the lines in their role to get a task or two done.

What’s next?

We’ll dive deeper into the core value prop of an analytics engineer: transforming raw, unaltered data into well-structured, governed datasets that enable meaningful analysis and measurement of operations.

The ‘e’ in Hex is for ELT

quick note: the justification for doing this is worth like a 17 page manifesto. I’m focusing on the how, and maybe I’ll eventually write the manifesto.

General Approach

This specific problem is loading Point-of-Sale data for a vertical specific system into a database for analysis on a daily basis, but could be generalized to most small/medium data use cases where ~24 hour latency is totally fine.

The ELT pipeline uses Hex Notebooks and dbt jobs, both orchestrated independently with crons. dbt is responsible for creating all tables and handling grants as well as data transformation, while Hex handles extract and load from a set of REST APIs into the database. Hex loads into a “queue” of sorts – simply a table in Snowflake that can take JSON pages and some metadata. Conceptually, it looks like this.

Loading data with Hex

Since Hex is a python notebook running inside of managed infrastructure, we can skip the nonsense of environment management, VMs, orchestration, and so on and just get to loading data. First things first, lets add the snowflake connector to our environment.

!pip3 install snowflake-connector-python

Now that we have added that package our environment, we can build our python functions. I’ve added some simple documentation below.

import requests
import os
import json
import snowflake.connector
from snowflake.connector.errors import ProgrammingError
from datetime import datetime

# login to snowflake
def snowflake_login():
    connection = snowflake.connector.connect(

    # print the database and schema
    print(f"Connected to database '{os.getenv('SNOWFLAKE_DATABASE')}' and schema '{os.getenv('SNOWFLAKE_SCHEMA')}'")

    return connection

# get the last run date for a specific endpoint and store from snowflake
def last_run_date(conn, table_name, store_name):
    cur = conn.cursor()
        # Endpoints take UTC time zone
        print(f"SELECT MAX(UPDATED_AT) FROM PROD_PREP.{table_name} WHERE store_name = '{store_name}';")
        query = f"SELECT MAX(UPDATED_AT) FROM PROD_PREP.{table_name} WHERE store_name = '{store_name}'"
        result = cur.fetchone()[0]
            result_date = datetime.strptime(str(result).strip("(),'"), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').date()
        except ValueError:
            # handle the case when result is None or not in the expected format
                result_date = datetime.strptime(str(result).strip("(),'"), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f').date()
            except ValueError:
                print(f"error: Cannot handle datetime format. Triggering full refresh.")
                result_date = '1900-01-01'
    except ProgrammingError as e:
        if e.errno == 2003:
            print(f'error: Table {table_name} does not exist in Snowflake. Triggering full refresh.')
            # this will trigger a full refresh if there is an error, so be careful here
            result_date = '1900-01-01'
            raise e
    return result_date

# Request pages, only return total page number
def get_num_pages(api_endpoint,auth_token,as_of_date):
    header = {'Authorization': auth_token}
    total_pages = requests.get(api_endpoint+'?page=1&q[updated_at_gt]='+str(as_of_date),headers=header).json()['total_pages']
    return total_pages

# Returns a specific page given a specific "as of" date and page number
def get_page(api_endpoint,auth_token,as_of_date,page_num):
    header = {'Authorization': auth_token}
    print(f"loading data from endpoint: {api_endpoint}" )
    page = requests.get(api_endpoint+'?page='+str(page_num)+'&q[updated_at_gt]='+str(as_of_date),headers=header).json()
    return page

# Loads data into snowflake
def load_to_snowflake(store_name, source_api, api_key, updated_date, total_pages, conn, stage_table, json_element):
    cur = conn.cursor()
    create_query = f"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {stage_table} ( store_name VARCHAR , elt_date TIMESTAMPTZ, data VARIANT)"
    # loop through the pages
    for page_number in range(1,total_pages+1,1):
        response_json = get_page(source_api,api_key,updated_date,page_number)
        raw_json = response_json[json_element]
        raw_data = json.dumps(raw_json)
        # some fields need to be escaped for single quotes
        clean_data = raw_data.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace("'", "\\'")
        cur.execute(f"INSERT INTO {stage_table} (store_name, elt_date, data) SELECT '{store_name}', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP , PARSE_JSON('{clean_data}')")
        print(f"loaded {page_number} of {total_pages}")

# create a wrapper for previous functions so we can invoke a single statement for a given API
def job_wrapper(store_name, api_path, api_key, target_table, target_table_key):
    # get the updated date for a specific table
    updated_date = last_run_date(snowflake_login(), target_table, store_name)
    print(f"The maximum value in the 'updated_at' column of the {target_table} table is: {updated_date}")

    # get the number of pages based on the updated date
    pages = get_num_pages(api_path,api_key,updated_date)
    print(f"There are {pages} pages to load in the sales API")

    # load to snowflake
    load_to_snowflake(store_name, api_path, api_key,updated_date,pages,snowflake_login(),target_table, target_table_key)

Now that we have our python in place, we can invoke a specific API. It should be noted that Hex also has built-in environmental variable management, so we can keep our keys safe while still having a nice development & production flow.


To deploy this for more endpoints, simply update the api_url, end_point_name, and endpoint_unique_id. You can also hold it in a python dict and reference it as a variable, but I found that to be annoying when troubleshooting.

The last step in Hex is to publish the notebook so that you can set a cron job on it – I set mine to run at midnight PST.

Transforming in dbt

I am using on-run-start & on-run-end scripts in my dbt project to frame out the database, in my case, Snowflake.

  - CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS STAGING.sales_histories ( store_name VARCHAR , elt_date TIMESTAMPTZ, data VARIANT, id INT) ;

Now that data is in snowflake (in the RAW schema), we can use a macro in dbt to handle our transformation from pages coming from the API to rows in a database. But first we need to define our sources (the tables built in the on-run-start step) in YAML.

version: 2

  - name: SOURCE_NAME
    database: DWH_V2
    schema: STAGING
      - name: sales_histories

Repeat for each API end point that you want to stage in your database.

Now consider the following model which transforms the JSON pages to rows:

{{ config(pre_hook="{{ merge_queues( 'sales_histories' , 'STAGING','ticketId' ) }}") }}

    data:updated_at::datetime as updated_at
from {{ source( 'POSABIT', 'sales_histories' ) }}

Of course, the real magic here is in the “merge_queues” macro, which is below:

{% macro merge_queues( table_name, schema, unique_id )%}
    MERGE INTO {{schema}}.{{table_name}} t
        USING (
            with cte_top_level as (
            -- we can get some duplicate records when transaction happen as the API runs
            -- as a result, we want to take the latest date in the elt_date column
            -- this used to be a group by, and now is qualify
                    value as val,
                    val:{{unique_id}} as id
                from RAW.{{table_name}},
                lateral flatten( input => data )
                QUALIFY ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY store_name, id ORDER BY elt_date desc) = 1
            from cte_top_level
        ) s
        ON = AND t.store_name = s.store_name
        -- need to handle updates if they come in
            UPDATE SET t.store_name = s.store_name,
                t.elt_date = s.elt_date,
       = s.val,
            INSERT ( store_name, elt_date, data, id)
            VALUES ( s.store_name, s.elt_date, s.val,;

    -- truncate the queue
    TRUNCATE RAW.{{table_name}};
{% endmacro %}

A key note here is that snowflake does not handle MERGE like an OLTP database, so we need to de-duplicate it before we INSERT or UPDATE. I learned this the hard way by trying to de-dupe once the data was into my staging table, but annoyingly this is not easy in snowflake! So I had to truncate and try again a few times.

Now that the data is in a nice tabular format, we can run it like a typical dbt project.

Let me know if you have any questions or comments – you can find me on twitter @matsonj

Other notes

There are lots of neat features that I didn’t end up implementing. A noncomprehensive list is below:

  • Source control + CI/CD for the Hex notebooks – the Hex flow is so simple that I didn’t feel this was necessary.
  • Hex components to reduce repetition of code – today, every store gets its own notebook.
  • Using mdsinabox patterns with DuckDB instead of Snowflake – although part of the reason to do this was to defer infrastructure to bundled vendors.

What Good Data Self-Serve Looks Like

I once was tasked with figuring out how to ‘democratize data’ for internal employees. No other instructions, solely a general pain point of ‘the data team is stuck doing ad-hoc tickets’ and ‘stakeholders want to get data on their own.’ After floundering for a while, I set out to figure out what data self-serve looked like at other companies. Seemed simple enough. But I quickly learned things aren’t that simple, and when are they for cross-functional data projects, anyway?

I want to share what I learned during an earnest effort to stand up data self-serve. I know others are struggling with this same project and its ambiguities and humongous scope. I spent time reading, thinking, attempting, failing, trying again, failing again, trying again and seeing success. Let’s dive in.

Executive Summary

Data rarely moves fast enough across companies to enable data-informed decisions. The data team is a bottleneck behind which many requests stack up in a queue. The data team drowns in questions and stakeholders become frustrated.  Long wait times ensue, forcing the business one of three decisions:

(1) Wait to make a decision
(2) Make a decision without data
(3) Departments hire their own data workers.

The data velocity problem is not reasonably solved through sheer volume of hiring. Data workers are expensive and hard to find. Instead, data teams typically pivot to enabling the business via self-serve and data democratization. Ideally, this unlocks the data team to focus on strategic analyses and initiatives and the business is freed to find the data they need without submitting a ticket.

Effective data teams must pivot away from (or avoid entirely!) taking tickets and into partnership with the organization, focusing on building scalable data solutions from which others can self-serve.

Data Self-Serve Definition

Data self-serve is notoriously hard to define. Any definition is inevitably specific to a company and point in time. The definition below is therefore intentionally generic:

Ability for any employee to quickly find and leverage the data and insights they need for their role without funneling through the Data Team

Good Self-Service Always Looks Different

(and bad self-service always looks the same)

Data self-serve done well, by its very nature, looks very different from company to company. The tools, processes, and organization structure supporting self-serve requires tailoring to the organization, rather than following a blueprint.

In contrast, data self-serve nearly always looks the same when done poorly. The data team is overwhelmed with tickets, business users can’t find data and strategic analyses do not happen. 

Put another way, bad data organizations tend to look the same, but working data organizations look very different from each other

This puts data teams in a liberating but uncomfortable position.  They’re able to freely define and create the self-service experience that their organization needs at this very moment, but at the same time there’s no blueprint for success.  This requires an interactive approach to find the best solution for their company.

The focus must be on the stakeholders’ needs, not the data team’s needs. Data teams have a habit of making data-self serve in their image instead of thinking about who they’re serving. The focus must be and will be squarely on the data self-serve experience of coworkers.

Typical Hurdles to Self-Serve

It’s easy to conjure up a world where someone types or speaks a question into a machine and gets the data they need. This is the ultimate data self-serve utopia and one on full display in the excellent sci-fi show The Expanse. The main characters routinely verbally ask computers questions like “Pull up every ship within X distance which was made by Y company and left Z destination in the last week.”

There are many hurdles before that sort of world is possible. Let’s cover a few of them:

Data operated as a service

Many data teams operate with a “receive a ticket, answer a ticket” mindset. This limits the team’s output into reactive short-term and smaller-scale asks and puts them as a bottleneck between the business and data. This is not an uncommon problem within the data industry. Data service teams are typically overstretched and struggle to answer all the questions coming their way. The business inevitably assumes the data team isn’t a strategic partner as they don’t seem to operate like one. If you operate like a service desk, you’ll be treated like one.

This team structure rarely scales. I recall a discussion with a C-Suite member who criticized the data team as “Getting me answers so late that I’ve forgotten my question by the time they reply.” Ouch.

In contrast, effective BI teams operate with a product-like mindset that focuses on scale and solutions. They partner closely with stakeholders to solve problems and prioritize ruthlessly based on business impact.

Data foundations not yet ready for self-serve

There is an immense amount of work required to get data ready for self-serve.  Just cleaning up a few raw data tables isn’t enough. Each part of the business (Sales, Marketing, Product, etc.) need different sets of data to answer their unique use cases.

Prepping data into the right shape requires close partnership and collaboration between the data team and its internal stakeholders.  This requires steps like data ingestion and transformation, implementing tooling like Git and dbt and having a team that can support the data lifecycle of a company.

Lack of data literacy

Data literacy, much like self-serve, is a tough term to nail down. This deserves its own discussion entirely, but for now let’s go with a typically squishy definition along the lines of “How well stakeholders can interact with and understand data.”

Training for data literacy is immensely difficult. Even if you have the world’s best data models and data marts and the Modern Data Stack™️ stakeholders will struggle to find value if they can’t grok the internal business data model or fall into common data pitfalls. This hurdle must be overcome no matter how well you do everything else.

Lack of data tools that enable self-serve

Typically there are two primary ways that an individual can self-serve data: SQL on a database or look at a data-team-created dashboard.  SQL is great for technical individuals but is not an option for the majority of employees.  Dashboards are usually widely available but lack customization.  Generally dashboards are a “you get what you get” type of experience, with little to no drill down capability and slow turnaround times from data teams for enhancement requests.

Data teams must provide other options for non-SQL savvy users to explore data in a more ad-hoc sense, leveraging curated/enriched tables created for their department. This can look as simple as providing access to enriched data in Excel or “Reverse ETL” where you send data back to source systems like Salesforce for direct consumption in those contexts.

Data privacy

This varies company to company, but data privacy comes into play depending on industry and company size. And whenever privacy is a factor, data access becomes more difficult. Typical lines in the sand are material non-public information (MNPI) when a company is publicly traded or personally identifiable information (PII) that only specific people should have access to.

Data self-serve almost always runs into data privacy concerns and the height of this hurdle (or wall…) will depend on the company.

But…What Does Good Self-Serve Look Like?!

Even though I described at length that good self-serve usually looks different, there are still some guiding principles to shoot for. These may not be universal and may change depending on your company’s data maturity, but they should be helpful.

(1) Focus initial efforts on specific departments/teams

One common bugaboo is an attempt to boil the ocean. The data team is already spread thin and pivoting everyone to self-serve for all departments at the same time will be too much. Instead, focus on a couple teams or departments with clear self-serve needs. Assign a specific analyst or two for the project who already understands a particular business domain and want to take on the challenge.

This both narrows the scope and increases the likelihood of close partnership with those teams. With partnership will come alignment on business value and understanding of pain points. Everyone wins.

(2) Create roadmap in partnership with stakeholders

Self-serve must necessarily look different from department to department. The needs for Finance are wholly different from Product, Engineering, Field, Legal or Marketing.  This is why a focus on self-serve and a dedicated BI partner is so crucial. Requirement gathering and roadmap creation must be done in close collaboration between BI and each department. Examples of requirements to gather include:

Examples of requirements to gather:

* Use cases
* Defining personas (technical/non-technical/etc)
* Tools needed
* Datasets
* Training/Enablement

(3) Build source of truth data marts

A data mart is a set of tables designed for ease of use by a department for their self-serve needs. These tables are specifically curated by the data team to make data easy to consume and understand for a particular department. 

Just providing individuals with access to the entire database is inevitably overwhelming. There could be hundreds of billions of data points across thousands of columns and hundreds to thousands of tables. Many analysts need a year to become comfortable with data at its most granular state. Expecting non-analysts to just hop in and find value isn’t reasonable.

To avoid this steep learning curve, a curated data mart enables self-service without overwhelming stakeholders.  This curated data mart must be built in close collaboration between the data partner and their stakeholders to find the sweet spot of “plenty of data” and “not confusing”.

Example: The sales team needs a few good tables such as Account, Opportunity and Task from which they can build most any report they need.

(4) Create an adoption and discoverability program

Data discoverability is an enormous challenge that must be tackled on several angles.  The existence of data marts alone is not enough to drive adoption if individuals do not know how they exist or do not know how to leverage them.

To drive adoption, efforts must include:

* Training / Onboarding sessions for all stakeholders
* Clear documentation for all data marts, tools available, key reports
* Weekly office hours
* Monthly & quarterly prioritization meetings
* Deprecation process to clean out old/unused data products

Parting Notes

There’s much more to write and I’ll follow up around defining internal stakeholder personas and choosing technologies that solve different aspects of data self-serve. For now, I hope the key message you took away from this is:

“I’m empowered to figure out how to best do self-serve at my organization.”

There’s an art to this task, and that’s why it’s so difficult to find anyone giving a blueprint. There really isn’t one. And you’ll never “arrive” at the conclusion of this project. You’ll just continually improve it, much like you do all your other data efforts. The fun is in the journey.

Connect Snowflake to Excel in Minutes

Data “Self-Serve” is a buzzword that’s managed to stick around for a long time without a solution. However, I’m convinced that we can get partway there with simple data products rooted in familiar tools. One ubiquitious tool? Excel. Nearly everyone uses spreadsheets or similar productivity tools at work.

That leads me to meet stakeholders where they’re at: in Excel. And modern data warehouses like Snowflake make it really easy to do so. It’s an easy win if you’ve invested in Analytics Engineering to create clean datasets in your database. Let’s bring those datasets to your users.

Here’s how to connect Snowflake into Excel and enable live connections pivot tables in minutes. These are instructions for Windows specifically.

Step by Step Instructions

(1) Install the ODBC Driver

Click on the “Help” button in the Snowflake UI, go to “Download…” and select “ODBC Driver” and “Snowflake Repository”. Install from the file that downloads.

(2) Configure ODBC Driver

Go to your start menu and type in “ODBC” and click on ODBC Data Sources (64 bit)

Under User DSN, select Add…

Select SnowflakeDSIIDriver from the menu

Fill in the boxes as follows – though your individual situation may vary. My example uses SSO when an organization doesn’t allow direct usernames/passwords for Snowflake. Lots of options here and Snowflake has full documentation of options here.

Note: I found that lots of databases & schemas are available even after choosing some here. Not sure the full limitations, so you can play with options. I put all options in for the primary database I cared about and it worked fine.

Click on Test… to confirm it worked. Here’s the dialog if it did:

(3) Connect to database in Excel

Open Excel and go to the Data tab, click on Get Data and choose From Other Sources and pick From ODBC

From the window that pops up, pick the Snowflake connection and select OK

If successful, you’ll see a window with a dropdown showing your available databases. Use that dropdown to pick the database you want.

IMPORTANT: There is an easy way to load data directly into a Pivot Table at this point (thanks Jacob for this tip!) which will save you and teams time.

Once you select the database / schema / table you want, go to that “Load” button on the bottom and click the little down arrow next to it. Choose “Load to…”

The next menu that pops up will give you various options – pick the second one down saying PivotTable Report

DONE. You’re there. The data is now connected live to Snowflake and is available to pivot. I used Snowflake’s sample “Weather” table which I just learned has basically nothing in it, but that’s besides the point.

Parting notes

There are a couple interesting tidbits to pass both to your stakeholders as well as anyone concerned about Snowflake compute cost & data security.

(1) Stakeholders can refresh data live from Snowflake any time. By right-clicking the pivot table and selecting “Refresh”. No more stakeholders asking you for the latest data – they can just get it anytime.

(2) Data is cached on the local machine, reducing compute costs & keeping things snappy for stakeholders. This satisfies worries from both stakeholders on performance (it’s REALLY snappy, even for huge tables) as well as those concerned on cost (compute only happens on refresh).

That’s it! Just a few installations and clicks and you’ve connected Snowflake live into Excel for any stakeholder. Happy self-serving.

Start Simple With Your Analytics Project

Start Simple & Iterate

Up to this point, I’ve largely written for those looking to break into an analytics career. Today I’ll go beyond that and discuss the most powerful lesson I and many others learned — something I wish I fully understood starting out:

Start your analytics project as simple as possible and iterate from there.

This strategy borrows a lot from Agile software development not because I’m a student of it, but because I learned the values of Agile through trial and error. Only after I stumbled upon this strategy did I learn how closely it aligns to the Agile methodology.

The Common Mistake

I’m going to assume you’ve already solved the toughest issue in analytics: identifying an ambiguous problem. Congrats! Now you need to figure out how to make it happen. This is where things can go wrong.

Many analysts (myself included!) are then tempted to:

  • Retreat to your office
  • Gather & clean all the data you think everyone needs
  • Build the World’s Best V1 Dashboard
  • Schedule a meeting to present the dashboard
  • Receive unanimous praise for how amazing it is
  • Watch as everyone uses your dashboard daily

What really happens:

  • Retreat to your office
  • Gather & clean only some of the data people need
  • Spend way too long building the Dashboard No One Really Wanted
  • Stakeholders email you intermittently asking if you’re making progress
  • Schedule a meeting to present the dashboard
  • Entire meeting spent fielding questions like “Why don’t I see X or Y?”
  • Get the cold sweats realizing you don’t have what they need
  • Stakeholders frustrated that so much dev time was wasted
  • You’re frustrated that they are “changing what they need”
  • Retreat to your office

Why Does This Happen?

Every data analyst/scientist makes this mistake. It will continually happen throughout your career, even after you think you’ll never make that mistake again. No one is immune.

There is one core reason why this happens: You assume you understand what the stakeholder wants.

Except you likely don’t. Especially when you’re early in your career. You’ll think you’re on the same page with your stakeholder, but you aren’t. You think you know what data points the stakeholder needs, but you don’t (hint: the stakeholder likely doesn’t know either!). You think you know what kind of visuals the stakeholder will find most useful, but you don’t.

In fact, it’s so difficult to get everything right the first time, you should assume you don’t fully understand the request. That one time you actually do build “The World’s Best V1 Dashboard”, celebrate the unexpected success – it won’t happen often.

Strategy: Start Simple

There’s a solution to this problem: Start your analytics projects as simple as possible. This results in less wasted time in development and happier stakeholders at the end. The process looks like this:

  • Agree with stakeholder on an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) – something small that can be done quickly
    • Your stakeholder may not know exactly what they want, so you may have lots of freedom here
  • Gather & clean only the data you need for the MVP
  • Create MVP dashboard
    • Ask your stakeholder questions here, too! You don’t need to go radio silent and many times they’ll appreciate the feedback loop
  • Present MVP dashboard to stakeholder
  • Gather feedback from stakeholder
  • Start process over again

This process is designed to be quick, with small iterations should building on each other until everyone agrees the dashboard fits the needs of the business. The more interactions with stakeholders the better – you’ll quickly identify misalignments, missing data, new requirements, changing business needs and more.

The advantages should be clear. Stakeholders will feel ownership over a product they helped develop (leading to better adoption!). The end product will be closer to what the business needs (leading to better adoption!). And stakeholders will remember the success of the project and give you a call for the next one.


Don’t try to build Rome in a day on any analytics project. You’ll rarely succeed. Instead, iterate and build on a project until it becomes something useful – and likely looks nothing like what you thought it would starting out.

Analytics is a dynamic field. Don’t fight upstream with how quickly things change; set up your work process to allow for quick changes. Your company & future self will thank you.

4 Soft Skills to Amplify your Analytics Career

Soft Skills

I think Nate really said it best with “Technical ability is overrated.” When I’m looking to make a hire as a manager, there are four skills that I’m looking for when I’m interviewing and continually assessing for my reports.

  • Curiosity – a childlike ability to keep asking, “Why?”
  • Accuracy – balancing perfect vs. “close enough” for your data
  • Organization – ability to break down tasks into small chunks and reliability execute on them
  • Empathy – actively listening & seeking to understand, and communication centered on your audience

I’ll breakdown each of these with characteristics with an example, an interview question testing for that skill, and a way that you can improve in each of these areas.


The first soft-skill to have in your repertoire is Curiosity. This often means you are always asking questions and aren’t afraid of asking them. I find myself often hedging a bit in this area by saying something like, “Sorry to be dense about this, but can you explain?”

When I’m dealing with new subject areas, this often will mean pausing conversations to understand words and what they mean. “Net Sales” often means something different in the sales organization vs. the finance organization, so getting to certainty on terms is critical. Frequently, digging into these types of questions can get uncomfortable, especially if the person asking you for help doesn’t know the answer or can’t define it well.

In interviews, there are a couple of ways to get at this skill. One way is to probe about problem-solving: identifying and solving tough problems. This is a bit open-ended, so making sure to redirect the question to your underlying objective is advised. Another way would be to model the behavior and assess how the candidate handles it. A curious person should be able to match your energy and get excited at the premise of jumping down the rabbit hole on a specific subject.

Not everyone comes by this skill intuitively, and for those of you in that bucket, there are some great frameworks to unlock a curious mind. My favorite comes from Sakichi Toyoda, of Toyota fame, and is called the “5 Whys”. More on this below, from Wikipedia.

The key is to encourage the trouble-shooter to avoid assumptions and logic traps and instead trace the chain of causality in direct increments from the effect through any layers of abstraction to a root cause that still has some connection to the original problem.


Up next, we have accuracy. As a data analyst, it is critical to be right an overwhelming majority of the time. You don’t need to be perfect, and in fact, perfect is the enemy of good. This can be tricky to do well because, as an analyst, you usually are the least knowledgeable person in the domain of the problem at hand. Getting accurate goes hand-in-hand with Curiosity because you must constantly bring assumptions to light. There is a lot of digging to do.

One particularly thorny problem to deal with is sales data within a CRM. It is highly speculative. It changes frequently. In short, it is unreliable. I have found working with this type of data greatly benefits from a common snapshotting period. Just take a backup every Friday at 5 pm. Do your analysis on a static copy, and figure out how to surface changes to key data fields (like close date or opportunity size). This allows you to bring accuracy to constantly shifting data sets.

Part-and-parcel with my comment above, in interviews, I like to probe around “soft data” and see how the prospective analyst has added certainty when data is vague or unreliable. For analysts with finance experience, asking questions about how they dealt with financial periods and month-end processes since those can bottleneck key metrics (like revenue). In that same vein, asking how, in detail, key metrics were calculated will shed some light on their accuracy approach.

Part of why I favor people with accounting backgrounds coming into analytics roles is that accuracy comes with the package. This learned through long hours of grinding out Excel spreadsheets and cross footing numbers one, two, three times. Thankfully, there some tricks to getting better at Accuracy, and it comes along with Curiosity. My favorite is applying a simple checksum technique and ensuring my source & target are equal on an aggregate basis. If it’s wrong – take time to dig into why and understand why what you thought was correct isn’t. The second trick is a checklist, especially for common tasks (say, deploying code to production). Taking time to document exactly how something is done not only reduces the cognitive load for the next time but improves the quality of your work.


To me, being organized is not about a tidy desk. It is about being to tackle a problem from beginning to end. It means being able to cut through ambiguity and deliver something excellent. An underrated thing about being organized is the skill of breaking down big, hairy problems into small, actionable next steps. To me, an organized person always knows what to do next.

One example where I think Organization comes into play is the meetings you take with your stakeholders. I always try to make sure to recap actions at the end, as a habit to do every meeting that I am in. If I have actions, I’ll write them down but leave others to track their own action.

In an interview, I’ll test for this skill by probing about systems of work. “How do you organize yourself?” or “How do you know what to do next?” are questions that can get to the heart of this. For an analyst, this “system of work” is at the heart of getting more interesting work. Shipping early and often is critical to getting into the more interesting bits of work, so building your own work system is critical.

Getting better at Organization can come in many forms, but looking back on my career, this didn’t come naturally to me. I recall missing a key deadline for some sales analysis for my CSMO. He asked me why I didn’t have what he needed, and I replied, “I was busy.” His response, which put the fear of God into me, was “we are all busy” as he rolled his eyes. Needless to say, I went and picked up David Allen’s Getting Things Done. If you don’t have a work system, GTD is a great starting point, and I still use bits & pieces every day.


You want to seek to understand and always bring empathy to the conversation with your stakeholders. They are taking the time to teach you about their business and its problems, so be a respectful skeptic. Remember, you want these folks to back to you the next time they have a problem! Empathy also means centering your communication on your stakeholders, so they feel heard even when you are giving bad news.

One thing I did as I got more comfortable in my analyst role was “rounding” with key stakeholders. This would mean making space to get coffee, drop-in late afternoon as things are winding down, and occasional lunches. These conversations were often more personal than business, but by the time conversation turned to work, we were both comfortable and ready to listen to each other. At one point, I had a couch in my office, and we joked that people would come by for therapy1.

Testing for empathy in an interview is a bit of a challenge. For me, I try to observe if they are listening versus waiting for their time to speak. I can go on for a bit too long at times, so when I catch myself wandering, I also casually check for body language in the candidate to see if they are really listening. Ultimately, this is one of the hardest skills to judge in an interview for me. But I’m actively trying to find ways to measure this quickly and accurately.

As an analyst, you are pretty sharp and usually have a good idea of how to solve a problem as soon as you hear it. To be more empathetic, slow down. Fall in love with the problem. You need to see the problem clearly enough that you can come up with a solution that exceeds your stakeholder’s expectations. Repeat back what you think you heard. This is especially important if the person across the table from you is from a different background, as cultural context can get in the way of great communication. People should always leave a meeting with you feeling like they were listened to.

Final Notes

With Curiosity, Accuracy, Organization, & Empathy, you can be a great analyst. These characteristics all build on each other and help you build a reputation as a reliable, skillful person who can deliver business value. People will seek you as the analyst to solve their problems. Yes – it’s great if you write some SQL, python, or R, but these soft skills will allow you to be 10x greater than someone much stronger technically. After all, I truly believe that success as an analyst should be measured by is how they enable the people around them. A great analyst doesn’t 10x themselves; they 2x (or more!) everyone around them.


1This is REALLY HARD to do in a remote environment. No idea how to replicate this digitally but I’m sure there is a way…