New Weekly Series: Everything Analytics

Do you enjoy working with data in your current role? Are you interested in a Data Analytics career? Are you currently a Data Analyst?

Good news! This weekly series is for you. It’ll cover all sorts of topics within analytics, including advice for aspiring analysts, best practices, key skills/tools and industry updates.

Initial blog topics include:

  • The Many Wandering Paths to Analytics
  • Analytics Job/Role Types
  • Key Skill Sets for Analysts
  • Visualization Best Practices
  • Measuring Success of Analysts
  • How to Prioritize Your Work Backlog
  • …and more!

Much of this will be written from my perspective as an Analyst. There are other perspectives out there for unique positions like Data Scientists and Data Engineering, and while I’ll touch on those regularly (and will write an entire post on the difference between those roles), the focus here will be Data Analysts.

See you in a week!

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